The AtScale & Databricks partnership: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

AtScale and Databricks first started partnering together in early 2022. At the time, Databricks SQL was relatively new, and many of their customers were still leveraging optional presentation layers to support Business Intelligence workloads.

The partnership began to gain momentum. AtScale was a way to democratize Lakehouse for non-technical business users and remove the need for unnecessary data movement into proprietary formats. This was extremely valuable to organizations looking to accelerate their Lakehouse journey. With the help of Soham Bhatt and Franco Patano, We went to market with this message to great success. 

How to use semantic layer and data lakehouse: live session banner

With the partnership up and running, we started collecting customer feedback and developing our better-together story. It was clear that most of your use cases fell into two categories. 

  • Migrate Legacy SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) – While Datbricks customers were eager to get their hands on DBSQL, it was clear that many were still maintaining an investment in on-prem SSAS cubes. The infrastructure and engineering hours required to support these cubes are massive, but a combination of AtScale + Databrick provided a superior alternative on limitless amounts of data in the cloud. This use case was discussed in more detail in a blog with Swaroop Oggu and I. (Modernize Your SSAS Architecture with Databricks and AtScale)
  • Semantic Lakehouse – Even when a customer doesn’t use an optional presentation layer, ensuring that all Business Intelligence users consume data from the Lakehouse consistently and with governance is challenging. The complexity grows exponentially when organizations have multiple BI tools that speak SQL, DAX, and MDX that all want to extract and cache data in proprietary formats. Implementing a tool-agnostic Semantic Layer on top of Lakehouse that leverages DBSQL and Unity Catalog solves this problem. Soham Bhatt, Kyle Hale, and I discussed this use case in more detail. (Building a Semantic Lakehouse With AtScale and Databricks)

This idea of a “Semantic Lakehouse” began to resonate with our joint customers. We went to market with it, and the “Father of the Data Warehouse” also took notice in a joint webinar with AtScale, Databricks, and other industry experts in a series of webinars.

Operation ‘Semantic Lakehouse’

We went from 0 to 100 real quick, and it culminated in AtScale being named the Databricks Emerging Partner of the Year in 2023! We started doubting down on the partnership by deepening our technical integration by being one of the first ISVs available on Databricks Partner Connect and being a launch partner of Databricks Marketplace

Semantic layer and databricks teams under databricks sign

The buzz around the Semantic Lakehouse was real, and to capitalize on the opportunity, our teams started to verticalize our joint go-to-market motion to better align with our customer’s needs and interests. 

Semantic Lakehouse for Manufacturing 

Data volumes in the Manufacturing industry are exploding and are expected to grow 200-500% in the next five years, outpacing other industries by 2-4x. With data being the most valuable asset a manufacturer has to help overcome rising costs and Supply Chain disruption, this vertical quickly became one of our strongest, which resulted in being a launch partner of the official Databricks Lakehouse for Manufacturing.

Building a semantic lakehouse for supply chain manufacturing - tech talk

Semantic Lakehouse for Retail & Consumer Goods

One trend in Retail & Consumer Goods is that decision-making is being pushed to the frontline, closer to where the problem occurs. In order to ensure these non-technical business users have a guided experience with their organizational data, there’s been massive interest in exploring Semantic Layers as a tool to achieve this. 

Semantic layer summit on demand

Semantic Lakehouse for FinServ, Capital Markets, and Insurance

Given our integration with Databricks and how our solution removes the need for data movement while augmenting existing security and governance frameworks, it’s no surprise that we have seen great success in the regulated industries. Also, One of the primary drivers for that is how popular Excel is as a decision support system. These decision-makers may not be proficient in SQL, but they know Excel inside out. AtScale bridges that gap and turns every Excel user into a Data intelligence-powered decision-maker. 

  • Building a Semantic Lakehouse for Insurance: Marcela Granados, Global Insurance Leader at Databricks; Anindita Mahapatra, Lead Solutions Architect at Databricks; Bill Inmon; and David Mariani discuss Insurance trends and how the Semantic Layer enables business users to access data and insights.
  • Building a Semantic Lakehouse for Capital Markets – Jordan Kramer, Senior Solutions Engineer at Databricks, and David Mariani discuss a portfolio management use case and how different personas can interact with a consistent view of business metrics and definitions across traditional BI tools such as Excel, but also modern tools such a Databricks AI/BI Dashboards. 

Headshots of: Marcela Granados, Anindita Mahapatra, and Bill Inmon

Semantic Lakehouse for Fun

Sometimes, a use case doesn’t fall into an industry bucket; instead, you just want to nerd out and talk about something technical. That has undoubtedly happened along the way.

Headshots of: Denny Lee and Dave Mariani

What’s next for the Semantic Lakehouse in the age of GenAI? 

The final section of this blog is more forward-looking and explains why the AtScale and Databricks partnership will continue to go from strength to strength. It has to do with our shared vision and why the Semantic Lakehouse is here to stay.

Databricks is the open, performant, and collaborative Data Intelligence platform. AtScale is the open, performant, and collaborative Semantic Layer. Databricks is built on open standards and continues to innovate, having just recently open-sourced Unity Catalog. AtScale is following in their footsteps by announcing the open-source release of the Semantic Modeling Language (SML), a universal standard designed to promote interoperability and foster a vibrant community of semantic model builders.

While other vendors continue to lock data into proprietary formats and force users to adopt specific architectures and tools to interact with that data, both AtScale and Databricks have a shared point of view and advocate for open standards and interoperability. This is why you may have seen some of the following announcements and content over the last few months. 


Our visions are aligned. Clear Eyes, Full Heart, Can’t Lose. Check out what’s next in the subsequent blog, Semantic Lakehouse for AI/BI.

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