May 14, 2020
Data News Roundup – Thursday, May 14th, 2020
Hello everyone! Welcome back for another edition of our weekly Data News Roundup. A lot has happened over the past week both in the industry and for us at AtScale. Of note, we are delighted to have announced our latest platform release this week, which is jam-packed with features that enable dynamic scaling and security for hybrid cloud environments. You can read more about what’s new with our 2020.2 platform launch here.
In addition, Forbes’ Gil Press posted a piece looking at how COVID-19 data will help accelerate the re-opening of the economy, highlighting our work with Boston’s Children’s Hospital to help organizations drill seamlessly into COVID-specific data.
Please read on for other news items to learn what’s happening and as always, reach out with any questions. We love hearing from you!
Will COVID-19 Self-Reporting Help Accelerate The Reopening Of The Economy?- April 29th, 2020
By Gil Press
Forbes takes an in-depth look at how COVID-19 data will help accelerate re-opening of the economy. The article highlights how AtScale’s work with Boston Children’s Hospital is facilitating the integration with users’ preferred analysis tools, allowing public health agencies to drill into COVID-specific data and gain fresh insights in real time.
Apple and Google update joint coronavirus tracing tech to improve user privacy and developer flexibility – April 24th, 2020
By Darrell Etherington, Natasha Lomas
Apple and Google made technical updates to their contact tracing system, which they’re now exclusively referring to as an “exposure notification” technology. Changes include modifications made to the API that the companies say provide stronger privacy protections for individual users, and changes to how the API works that they claim will enable health authorities building apps that make use of it to develop more effective software.
CTO Sessions: Simon Field, Snowflake Inc. – April 29th, 2020
IDG Connect
Snowflake’s CTO was featured on IDG’s CTO Sessions discussing his background, role at Snowflake and how he landed in the position.
Use Your Customer Data to Actually Help Your Customers – April 24th, 2020
By Joe Ucuzoglun and John Hagel III
Harvard Business Review
An article in Harvard Business Review examines how companies can leverage customer data in the most ethical ways possible. The bottom line? It comes down to actually adding value to your customers based on what you know about them, not exploiting it for short-term monetary gains.