Data News Roundup- Thursday, February 25th

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes
Data News Roundup- February 25th

Another week is nearing an end and another month is coming to a close. In this Data News Roundup, we share three stories that reflect the current state of the technology landscape. We hope that you enjoy reading them!

Cloud, data amongst APAC digital skills most needed– FEBRUARY 25TH

By Eileen Yu 


It is no secret that the pandemic accelerated the already existing digital age. It is predicted that in the Asia-Pacific region,  “By 2025, the region’s workers would require 6.8 billion digital skills to carry out their job, up from 1 billion today.” How will they keep pace to meet this growing demand?

More than 90% of remote workers report feeling stressedFEBRUARY 25TH

By Brandon Vigliarolo 


We’re nearing the one year mark of working remotely. How has your team adjusted? In this article, Vigliarolo shares the findings from a recent survey that explores the current state of remote work.

Augmented Analytics Is the New BI Battle Ground, Gartner SaysFEBRUARY 24TH

By Alex Woodie 


“The real action in the BI market is around augmented analytics, or how well the BI tools incorporate machine learning and AI.” In this article, Alex Woodie shares the findings from the latest Gartner Magic Quadrant.

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