May 7, 2020
Data News Roundup – Thursday, May 7th, 2020
Welcome to our “Data News Roundup” for May 14, 2020. Before we share the latest and greatest news stories helping shape the world of big data and analytics, we want to let you know that a recording of our recent webinar with GigaOm Research on “Data Virtualization & Cloud OLAP: How Can They Improve Your BI?” will soon be available. Click here to watch on-demand.
In today’s world with all different kinds of data across a multitude of sources, it’s no surprise that data virtualization is hot. When you look beyond the mechanics of data virtualization, what can really make it sing is dimensional modeling on top, which is a form of online analytical processing (OLAP). Specific topics covered in the webinar, which is led by Andrew Brust, analyst at GigaOm Research, and David Mariani, co-founder and chief strategy officer at AtScale, include the following.
- How data virtualization combined with on-demand aggregation adds value to today’s cloud data warehouses
- How modern OLAP, built for the cloud, fits into the contemporary analytics stack
- How and why semantic models and analytics-specific query languages deliver crisper insights
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming – Below are the stories that make-up this week’s edition of our “Data News Roundup.”
Digital transformation: What CIOs are accelerating during the pandemic – May 11th, 2020
By Carla Rudder
Enterpriser’s Project
While many aspects of life remain on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic, many organizations are charging full steam ahead on digital transformation efforts. In this Enterpriser’s Project article, IT leaders share the aspects of their digital transformations they are now accelerating. According to the article, “The goal: Better position their business for the new digital normal, post-pandemic.”
A flexible data architecture is a critical foundation for analytics, AI, and delivering data as a service, says MIT Technology Review Insights – May 12th, 2020
MIT Technology Review Insights – Press Release
A new report, “Data on demand: Dynamic architecture for a high-speed age,” by MIT Technology Review Insights explores how chief data officers and heads of analytics at leading organizations are building data infrastructures, services, and use cases that drive business value. The report reveals that “Companies are using enterprise data strategies to drive business value chains” and “Data leaders are analyzing existing and new data sets for hidden value.”
Six Ways The Healthcare Industry Is Reaping Big Rewards From Big Data – May 12th, 2020
By Terence Mills
AI and big data are joining forces to provide an advantage to those who use them – And right now, we’re seeing the healthcare industry reaping the rewards of this dynamic duo. Terence Mills, CEO of shares some big ways the healthcare industry is experiencing the benefits of big data.
Stay safe and be well!