Employee Spotlight: Patrick Toole

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Patrick Toole Employee Spotlight

Patrick Toole Employee Spotlight

No great accomplishment is made by one person alone. At AtScale, everything that we achieve is because of the collaboration among our team. Today we introduce you to Patrick Toole, Director of Product Management, who shares what it’s like to be a part of the AtScale team and why to him, there is no such thing as “individual accomplishments.”

What’s your role here at AtScale?

A: Director of Product Management.

How long have you been working with the company for?

A: A year and a half.

What responsibilities does your role of Director of Product Management entail?

A: Myself, along with Daren Drummond, share the responsibilities of managing, maintaining, and driving the product’s features. Daren is the specialist in the MDX and BI Stack, while I manage the technical features of the product and the platforms that we support.

What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?

A: There are a number of times throughout the year when changes within our product bring big value to the customer. Those moments are incredibly rewarding, reinforcing that we are continuing to help our customers in ways that the market has ignored.

Describe our solution in three words.

A: Integrated, enterprise, analytics. 

Who could benefit from our adaptive analytics fabric?

A: Any company that leverages analytics as a foundation of their business drivers can benefit from our software. While collaboration and self-service analytics tend to be buzzwords in the industry, we are truly enabling these, along with autonomous data engineering.

In your opinion, what are organizations doing right with their approach to data analytics?

A: Today’s atmosphere of personal information security causes enterprises to delicately balance self-service data within their company with securing their data. This cautious, but distributed and curious approach to data analysis has become front and center in today’s business. The conservative approach to releasing data, along with the persistence of distributed analysis is an important trend that needs to continue.

Anything that they’re doing wrong?

A: Today’s enterprises are achieving their goals as best as they can with today’s resources. The enterprise software available today does not properly allow for collaboration and self-service the way it should. That’s why AtScale’s technology is key for large enterprises. 

What has been your proudest achievement working here at AtScale?

A: As a product manager, there’s no such thing as individual accomplishment, so I don’t identify with a personal achievement. Success is defined by streamlining engineering’s workload, creating features that the customers and field want, and when the two work to make life significantly easier, its a win. To date, there have been a number of features that have had an impact on our customer’s lives.

When you’re not in the office, where can people find you?

A: As a father of three, you can find me doing house projects or cooking with my kids. When I’m not involved in those, you might find me and my wife scuba diving somewhere in the world.

Thanks, Patrick! Interested in meeting the rest of the team? Keep an eye out for our next employee spotlight, here on the blog.