Our Go-To Resources for Data News

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Our Go-To Resources for Data News

Looking back at the past two months, we can’t deny that we’ve been consuming more news than usual. While we all search for the latest facts, the channels on our feeds and switching screens fight over who gets to be seen. Of the news that you’re consuming, how much of it do you really trust? 

With information being readily available and more accessible than it was before, it’s hard to find the truth. We wanted to put together a list of our go-to data news resources that we trust and that you should check out. Here is our list of AtScale approved resources. 


Reporting since 2011, this data news outlet focuses on all things big data, exploring data science, AI/ML and deep learning on a higher level. One of our favorite features on the site is their “Industry Segments” page where they explore the existence of data and tech in multiple industries. It’s one thing to talk about the advantages of being data-driven, but it’s another thing to see it in action. Here’s an example of how data is playing a role in creating a more sustainable world by developing a recycling robot. We’re also grateful to have been included on the “insideBIGDATA Impact 50 List,” where the insideBIGDATA team defines what it means to be an “impactful” organization in the big data space. 

You can also find insideBIGDATA on Twitter


Are you a data expert? Do you have a new-found interest in data science? Dataversity has been an online resource for anyone who is at any stage in their data journey. The online community has a reputation for creating top-grade educational content for those who are looking to expand their networks and advance their careers through webinars, online events, blogs and more. Keep an eye out for their next webinar, their full events calendar can be found here and their online courses can be found here

You can also find them on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn


Having been active in the business technology space for the past 29 years, ZDNet continues to deliver the latest news on all things data. With a reported 36 million users monthly, the site shares cloud, artificial intelligence, security and more news daily. The AtScale team is proud to have been recently featured on the site with a story focusing on our recent COVID-19 Cloud OLAP model. 

You can also find them on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn


TechRepublic has been active in the tech scene since 1997. The online magazine covers a  wide range of topics including: IoT, Digital Transformation, Cloud, Consumerization and much more. The site also has multiple online forums where users can post questions, share advice, and learn from other technology professionals. 

You can also find them on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

And of course, whether you’ve been reading our posts since the beginning or are a new reader, we hope that you find our blog as another go-to source of information that you can learn from and trust. Do you have any topics that you want to learn more about? Send us a tweet or leave a comment below!