Watch These 4 Videos to Become an OLAP Expert

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Information is more accessible today than it ever has been before. With online learning technologies and resources, we’re seeing that it’s a reality for anyone to become a self-taught expert in almost any subject. While we’re all spending these next few weeks at home, we thought that it would be a great opportunity for our followers to learn something new (or refresh their memory) on trending technology topics. So sit down, relax, and grab a pen and notepad; class is in session! Today, we’ll be focusing on all things OLAP by watching the following videos. 

What is OLAP? 

Source: Intricity101 


By definition, OLAP is an acronym for “online analytical processing”. In this introductory video, you’ll understand how OLAP originated from slow queries and witness how the fundamentals of OLAP have remained the same since the 90’s. By the end of this video, you will understand the challenges, benefits, and best uses that exist within the OLAP structure. You will also be introduced to a dimensional relational model and how it is used to store data. 

OLAP and Data Modeling Concepts 

Source: eCapital Advisors 

In this next video, you will further your understanding of OLAP by being able to define dimensions, measures, cubes and regions. By the end of the video, you will understand the value of OLAP by an example following the sales data with three separate data sheets. In this exercise, you will be able to dive into the data and with hard numbers determine which products in specific regions are top sellers. 


Source: Intellipaat  

OLTP and OLAP … what’s the difference? By definition, OLTP is an acronym for “online transaction processing.” In this video, you will understand the design, different use cases for OLAP and OLTP, who their users are, and how often they are used. By the end of this video will also be able to identify which situations to use each solution as well as understand their benefits and challenges. 

Modernize Your SSAS Investment While Keeping OLAP

Source: AtScale 

In this last video, learn about AtScale’s approach and how we “reinvented OLAP.” AtScale co-founder and chief strategy officer, Dave Mariani, walks us through your OLAP infrastructure using AtScale’s Adaptive Analytics Fabric and shows us how to migrate your SSAS cubes to a modern, cloud data warehouse. By the end of the video, you will learn how AtScale gives you the confidence to: 

  • Keep the multidimensional functionality and live Excel connection you’re used to.
  • Model cubes virtually without data engineering requirements.
  • Eliminate cube build limits (because AtScale replaces SSAS’s physical cube with a virtual cube).
  • Access unlimited amounts of data with no pre-compute requirements.
  • Eliminate ETL (because AtScale handles data in multiple locations without moving it).


What topic do you want to become an expert in next? Let us know in the comments!

Do you have any OLAP resources that we should know about? Send us a tweet on Twitter, @AtScale


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