Combatting COVID-19 Together with Cloud Data Analytics

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Combatting COVID-19 Together with Cloud Data Analytics

Our world is always changing, but with the recent impact of COVID-19, no one was prepared for it to change as fast as it did. Within a week, we had to adapt to a new environment. Classrooms were emptied, offices went remote, and grocery stores grew lines of customers that mirrored a queue for a concert. As the weeks went on, we’ve accepted this new environment as a new way of life (for now). 

During times of uncertainty, we seek answers. And in the digital age, the answers are easy to find. The challenge is making sense of what we find. 

On behalf of our entire team, we are proud to be among a community of individuals who are using their talents to rebuild our community by finding answers from COVID-19 data models and transforming them into valuable data-driven insights. 

COVID-19 Data Hackathon 

In partnership with the Boston Globe and STAT News, AppliedXL, a NewLab company, will be hosting the COVID-19 Data Hack, a three day online event where technology professionals from around the world will be working to find “real solutions to support COVID-19 response efforts.” AtScale Chief Product Officer, Scott Howser, will be one of the judges.

Teams will be focusing on: 

  1. Understanding the pandemic’s impact on communities
  2. Prevention in rural America and beyond
  3. Mapping the impact of social distancing

Participants have until Friday, April 24th to register

AtScale Cloud OLAP Model 

Cloud data analytics is in our DNA, it’s what we do. We believe in our team and we believe in our technology and we want to use both to help our community. We are proud to announce that we’ve released our COVID-19 Cloud OLAP model for free, so we can better understand the impact of the disease. The model was built to analyze COVID-19 data sets including Starschema: COVID-19 Epidemiological Data, which is available through Snowflake’s Data Exchange and Boston Children’s Hospital’s

See how users can perform multidimensional analysis on the Starschema: COVID-19 Epidemiological Data. Using a popular BI tool (Tableau and Excel), you can drill into this data to help the global community better understand the impact of the COVID-19 virus. 

Combatting Covid 19 Cloud Data Analytics

Our Current Available Models Include:

  1. COVID-19: CovidTracking API Model: A US based model based on data provided by the COVID tracking API
  2. COVID-19: WHO Model: This is a model that is based on the WHO situation reports.
  3. COVID-19: NYT Model: This is a model based on the New York Times COVID data set

Our Future Models Will Include:

  1. New York Times model- This is a US model that will allow you to drill all the way down to the county level.
  2. World Health Organization model – This is a global model which will allow you to evaluate cases around the world. 

If you’re interested in seeing how to use our current models, we’d love to have you join us on 4/24 (1 PM ET/ 10 AM PT) for a live webinar. 

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