Blending SaaS Data to Measure Sales & Marketing Channel ROI

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Five Tran Logo With Cat Origitano

Blending Saas Data To Measure Sales Marketing Channel Roi

In our most recent webinar, Cat Origitano of FiveTran and Dave Mariani, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of AtScale shared how to blend data across multiple business applications including SaaS applications so you  can clearly understand how each of your marketing channels are performing. Couldn’t attend the webinar? In this blog post, we share a brief recap of what you missed!

The Goal Of Marketing Analytics

Cat reflects on the core of data analytics and shares the McKinsey and Company definition of the Goal of Marketing Analytics as a way for “Companies to create an integrated 360 degree view of their customer that considers every customer behavior.”  

Origitano stresses the importance of staying true to these core values as we have to truly care for and understand our customers and  “What motivates them, what interests them, what gets them excited about your business or your brand, and what really gets them to be loyal and active customers.” 

The Marketing Technology Landscape

Cat shares the Marketing Technology Landscape for 2020 that marketers can use to build a 360° view of their customer as a starting point for their marketing analytics.

Utilizing The Tech Stack

You should never waste an opportunity, especially if you have all of the tools that you need to succeed right in front of you. Cat states, “We have all of this opportunity to develop that 360° view, but that in and of itself poses a real problem. Marketing leaders acknowledge that they’re actually only utilizing 58% of their MarTech stacks potential.” What’s the consequence? Your team is holding themselves back from their marketing analytics goals. 

Stale data affects your entire team. With any campaign that you run, you want to understand and know what’s working. How does your team respond to data that they can’t trust?

Blending SaaS Data to Measure Sales & Marketing Channel ROI

In this demonstration, Dave shows us how to turn raw data into analytics-ready KPIs and business metrics using  Google BigQuery as our cloud data warehouse and Fivetran to synchronize our data from Google Analytics and Marketo.

Want to view the full webinar? Catch the on-demand webinar here.

Interested in learning how  a semantic layer can help you blend your SAAS data top optimize sales and marketing channel ROI? Read the blog post here.    

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